On a semi-related, although possibly conflicting, note, here's a link to a blog post from the fantastic blog Zen Habits: Email Zen: Clear Out Your Inbox
I recently cleared out over 30K emails from my personal Gmail inbox. (Most of them were unopened!) Even though Gmail offers infinite storage, it still felt good to do away with 5 years worth of emails I either didn't care about or it was too late to care about anyhow. Now when I open my inbox I am greeted with personal messages I am glad to read and notices from organizations I care about. I also have the space to quickly identify and "unsubscribe" to a newsletter or listserv that no longer interests me or that I just signed up for to get a freebie. In the past, I kept mass messages I didn't want to read or didn't have time to read because I felt obligated to read them. These days, I just remind myself that it's probably not the last time I'll hear from that organization. Our ships will cross again. For now, I'm deleting this message so that I can spend more precious moments with the good things in life, like a pint of Steve's Coconut Ice Cream.
Olivia Lane is a Blogger, Green Living Educator, and Health Coach trained at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She's also author of Baking Soda & Bliss: The Healthy & Happy Guide to Green Cleaning.

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