Friday, October 26, 2012

Oil Cleansing Method: 5 Week Follow-Up

Five weeks ago, I started using oil to clean my acne-prone skin. No, I'm not crazy. It's a real thing that lots of people have credited with miraculously improving the condition of their skin when other things didn't. Here's what I experienced:

The Good: My skin doesn't flip-flop from oily to dry like it used to when I used soap-based cleansing products. Once I do the oil cleansing method then apply a few drops of the oil as a leave on moisturizer and I'm good all day. This is excellent, especially as the weather gets cooler. Also, what's not to like about treating myself to a daily facial spa treatment?

The Bad: You truly need to have either a lot of washcloths or spare time to clean the same one everyday when you're done. I tried cleaning the single washcloth I own everyday. It became sort of a pain especially days I wanted to sleep in.

The Ugly: My zits, acne scars, and blackheads haven't gone anywhere.


After 5 weeks of Oil Cleansing Method; no better or worse.
Conclusion: I think I'll buy more washcloths so I can continue the oil cleansing method trial for a few more months without going insane. During this period, I plan to toy with different carrier oils and essential oils. My latest mix includes essential oil of lavender, which took the lux factor up a zillion knotches. I hope to acquire some tamanu oil, which is suppose to be amazing for treating acne and scars.

I honestly think my acne is due to my hormones. I had zero acne and scars when I was taking Ortho Tri-cyclen (regular and lo) and I barely washed my face every other day back then! In that case, it makes sense that external treatment wouldn't solve it. Perhaps this means taking herbs internally could correct my hormonal balance. My friend Goddess Mishel said Murad supplements really made a big difference for her skin. And my herbalist friend Liz suggested a bunch of herbs for me to take in an infusion every day. Guess I'll have another experiment to share soon!

Olivia Lane is a Blogger, Green Living Educator, and Health Coach trained at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She's also author of Baking Soda & Bliss: The Healthy & Happy Guide to Green Cleaning 

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