
Friday, August 30, 2013

Enjoy Aromatherapy While You Vacuum!

If you like adding essential oils to your DIY cleaning products, here's another easy way to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy while you clean. All you need is a vacuum, some cotton balls, and the essential oil of your choice.

I chose lemon essential oil because it is uplifting. (Who couldn't use a mood lift while cleaning?) Also, lemon gives the karate chop to negative feelings that medicinal smelling essential oils like tea tree oil and eucalyptus can bring up. Chances are you've used those while cleaning your bathroom, so enjoying some lemon oil afterwards while you vacuum can help bring you back into the happy zone.

Lemon essential oil also increases concentration and awareness. No dust bunny will be left behind once you've inhaled some of this!

Watch my video to see how simple vacuum aromatherapy is.

You may need more oil than what I suggested in the video depending on your vacuum. I think at least 3 drops on two cotton balls is minimum.

If you don't have a vacuum, just inhale some oil straight from the bottle. Whatever it takes!

Visit the Aura Cacia website to learn more about the aromatherapy benefits of many essential oils and pick your favorite! Let me know if you try this and which oil you choose. 

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Save the Planet with Recycled Gold!

Most of us know about "blood diamonds" but did you know the gold band that the diamond is set in might not be too politically correct either?

"The Best Way to Save the Planet from Gold Mining" on ethical jeweler Brilliant Earth's blog highlights the environmental price of being blinged out.

[G]old mining is extremely bad for the environment. Modern gold mining methods generate about 20 tons of toxic waste for every gold ring. Gold mining pollutes the air and water with toxic substances like cyanide and mercury. The leading cause of mercury pollution today, ahead of even coal-fired power plants, is gold mining. And it’s partly because of gold mining that the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed and that mercury levels in fish are so high.
Blogger Gregg Krauss suggests we simply stop mining for gold and start re-using the gold we already have.

In 2012, if the world had re-used or recycled less than 3 percent of existing gold supplies, it could have satisfied 100 percent of global demand. And by recycling about 5 percent of gold jewelry, all the world’s gold needs could have been met last year.
Recycling gold seems like a no-brainer to me. I mean, we are required by law to recycle plastic bottles, which, unlike gold, degrade in value with each recycling. Also, these days you can make some serious cash by recycling grandma's gaudy gold.

I wanna popularize the phrase "Cash-4-Gold: Not just for hood rats anymore!" How cool would that look on a reuseble grocery tote bag?!

Seriously, I'm totally inspired to get rid of the gold name ring I've been hoarding since 1993, a.k.a. my Wanna-Be-Gangsta-B**ch phase, when it would have been cool had my name actually been spelled correctly. (#TrueStory: My mom spells my nickname at least 3 different ways!) Maybe I'll have it melted down into my future wedding band. *Cough*

I'm a fan of vintage jewelry, but if I had to buy something new I totally love the idea of recycled gold. Would you wear recycled jewelry?

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Monday, August 26, 2013

G-BOMBS Tofu Scramble Recipe [Vegan, Gluten-Free]

Tofu scramble is totally Vegan Basics 101. Whether you eschew eggs or just want to impress a special vegan overnight guest, knowing how to make good tofu scramble is superimportant. Good tofu scramble isn't just about not cutting the tofu into huge cubes like a weirdo. It's about exploring your taste preferences and having a superfilling and nutritious breakfast.

Thanks to last week's lesson at Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I'm kind of obsessed with Dr. Joel Fuhrman and his G-BOMBS based Nutritarian diet right now. For breakfast, I made this tofu scramble that includes greens, beans (tofu), onions, mushrooms, and seeds (tahini and gomasio). If you eat berries with this, you'll have a breakfast designed for super immunity! (If only I had put strawberries on my side salad. Doh!)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Interview with Raw Vegan Personal Trainer, Ramona Cadogan

Ramona Cadogan is a New York-based science teacher, tutor, personal trainer, pilates teacher, hula hooper and a raw vegan chef who enjoys a healthy holistic organic raw vegan lifestyle. She enjoys Olympic lifting, crossfit, and bikini fitness. She has participated in a number of obstacle courses like the Warrior Dash and Spartan Races.

I was lucky enough to catch up with Ramona when she wasn't moving and ask her a few questions about fitness and food. 

How did you end up becoming a personal trainer?
I became a personal trainer to help people get over their challenges with fitness. I provide a fun but challenging routine base on my client's fitness level.

Why did you decide to adopt a raw vegan diet?
I became raw vegan because [I care about] other animals and [because of the] health benefits, even though I did not have health challenges when I was not on a plant based diet.

Did you see that commercial about how chocolate milk is a recovery meal? Bananas! What's your favorite meal or snack to eat after a work out?
After a workout my favorite food to eat would be sprouted quinoa and lentils as well as a large salad with all greens, red and yellow peppers, tomatoes, and lemons as a dressing.

Do you have any tips for people who want to incorporate more physical activity into their life?
In order to incorporate more activity I would suggest splitting up the workout. 10 to 20 minutes in morning, 20 minutes during lunch, and 20 minutes in the evening.

I think it's awesome that you teach people to hula hoop! I love hooping; it's so fun it barely feels like exercise! What are the benefits?
Hula hooping is another form of fitness I teach to connect the mind, body, and soul. When the hoop is going around your body I ask people to meditate and connect to their inner child. Also while you are hooping I encourage people to let their mind rest and and let the hoop flow with your body and connect with your spirit.

Connect with Ramona on Facebook to learn more about her academic tutoring, fitness, and raw vegan services.

Wanna learn more about a raw diet now? Check out this free awesome Guide to Raw Foods from Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

7 Reasons to Travel with Coconut Oil

You needn't abandon healthy habits just because you're away from home. Carry your commitment to supreme self-care with you by packing a jar of coconut oil. Here are just a few ways you can use the very versatile oil to treat your body right on the road.

1. Shaving cream
My personal research has uncovered that wishing leg and armpit hair won't grow during vacations doesn't work. (Le sigh.) Fortunately, rubbing coconut oil onto wet skin before shaving makes the experience a pleasure and leaves skin feeling extra silky. Who needs shaving cream!

2. Hair Conditioner
Hotel toiletries are always a drag. Not only are they usually full of yucky synthetic chemicals, they generally suck too. I love using coconut oil as a deep conditioner. I comb it through damp hair, put on a complimentary shower cap, and let it work it's magic for 10-30 minutes. Afterwards I wash my hair. (Forgot to pack healthy shampoo? Use baking soda.) I also use coconut oil as a leave-in conditioner, but I don't recommend that use for folks with oily or thin hair.

Visit to read the rest of my post and learn 5 more reasons to travel with coconut oil. I'm a thrilled to be a guest writer on that awesome blog today!

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What to Do If You Break a CFL Bulb

Fluorescent bulbs contain mercury and mercury is toxic. That's why you can't just toss CFLs in the trash or recycling bin. If you ever accidentally break a CFL bulb you'll wanna take extra care to clean up the mess in the safest and most responsible manner.

Click here to read the steps to take to clean up a broken fluorescent bulb as outlined by the EPA.

A few key points from the process:
  • Shut off central air conditioning or any fans.
  • Open windows and air out the room for a few hours.
  • Do not use a vacuum.
  • The EPA suggests using sticky tape to get up bits of glass, but a sticky lint roller would probably be easier to use.
  • Dispose of the collected waste according to your local guidelines for CFL recycling.

Read "I Broke a CFL. Now What?" at Earth911 for more info on CFLs, mercury exposure, and recycling.

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Monday, August 19, 2013

Sandwich Verde with Tomatillos, Avocado, and Scallions Recipe [Vegan]

Many moons ago I belonged to The Bed-Stuy Farm Share, one of the best CSA's ever (imho). I was constantly confronted with a bounty of beautiful veggies I had no idea what to do with. It was a great way to experiment in the kitchen!

Sandwich Verde is one of my creations that worked out particularly well. It's just all kinds of creamy green goodness!

Print Recipe

Sandwich Verde: Tomatillos, Scallions & Avocado

Course: Snacks and Sandwiches
Cuisine: Vegetarian
Serves: 1


  • 1-2 slices thick and hearty whole grain bread
  • Earth balance or butter, (or maybe a thin schmear of tahini for more protein)
  • 12-1 whole avocado sliced
  • 1-2 tomatillos sliced
  • 2 green onions/ scallions sliced
  • salt
  • white pepper
  • garlic powder or 1 clove minced fresh garlic
  • cilantro
  • lime


  1. Butter the bread.
  2. Pile avocado on one slice of bread. Top with tomatillos and green onions.
  3. Season to taste with garlic, herbs, and spices.
  4. Squeeze a wee bit of lime juice over everything.
  5. Top with other slice of bread or serve as an open face sandwich.
  6. Enjoy!

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I originally shared this recipe on VegWeb boasts status of "The World Largest Collection of Vegetarian Recipes." It's a great online community for opinionated home cooks. Check them out to find for more yummy recipes and to share your own.

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Friday, August 16, 2013

The Simplest & Best Green Glass Cleaner Ever!

I am about to share with you something so simple I'm almost embarrassed to pass this off as a blog post. However, I'd be even more disappointed with myself if I didn't share this bit of green cleaning knowledge. Are you ready for the simplest and best glass cleaner ever?

Yup, the minerals in club soda make it an excellent cleaner for many things, including glass, mirrors, and indoor windows.

Just pour club soda straight from the bottle or can into a spray bottle. Mist the surface (as you would any other commercial glass cleaner) and wipe clean and dry with newspaper, a microfiber cloth made for drying glass, or (an unused) coffee filter. The club soda will work long after it goes flat, so don't worry about that.

I picked up this tip from Clean House Clean Planet and have been using club soda as a glass cleaner for years. It's wonderful! I have no idea how it works on outdoor glass, as I have never cleaned my windows myself and I probably never will. If you try it, let me know how it works!

Have you cleaned glass with club soda before? What's your favorite green glass cleaner? 

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Interview with Kristi Marsh, Activist & Author of Little Changes

Kristi Marsh is a mom of three and cancer survivor who dedicates herself to educating women about the interaction between environmental toxins and their health. She empowers other mothers to protect their families by becoming savvy consumers through her organization, Choose Wiser. Her book, Little Changes, has been applauded by Women's Voices for the Earth and Campaign for Safer Cosmetics (who also named Kristi as their first "rock star" activist). I'm so excited to feature this inspiring woman on my blog!
When and how did your transition to an eco-friendlier lifestyle begin?
It all started with a self-discovered lump and a diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer. Like many, I started fervently reading, researching, and having some “Aha!” moments that ignited in a passion and sense of mission.
I was amazed at how many circles of friends were like myself, and lived a life without knowing about the lack of safety in our personal care products or how our food was grown. In the mainstream world, there just isn’t a social comfort level in asking, ‘Hey, can you not spray that hairspray near me? Do you know what it contains?’ This became my focus - to make environmental health an everyday topic among mainstream women. I set out to make this a discussion-able topic. I wake every morning excited to do my part and keep breathing energy into this swelling movement.

Going green alone can be challenging enough, but you've got a family. How did you get your husband and kids on board for your green adventure?
The seriousness of science, the overwhelming fear of toxins, and the gravity of diseases and disorders—while devastatingly real—can make the message hard for many people to hear. For families especially, I say It is okay to enjoy what you do. It is okay to have fun. Whether we played “select an item at the farm stand with no conditions,” or conquered a new restaurant on a ski trip, it is the sense of exploration that kept the kids involved. Turns out, younger generations are empowered little humans. Born into the green revolution, they reduce, reuse, recycle and celebrate with understanding. Somewhere deep in their DNA, far from marketers’ reach, they too, understand.
As for my husband, he was a lot like me. There is a lot of deep branding in being mainstream, and there is a lot of joy in being health focused. It is going through The Change that is hard. The trick was finding areas he had interest in. Certainly worked in my favor that fresh, genuine food – whether it be basil or steak tips – tastes better than grocery store choice!

Can you share a tip that will help blossoming environmental and health advocates raise awareness of friends and family without coming off as paranoid extremists?
Remember, your actions speak volumes, and yes, people are watching your actions. They aren’t watching and criticizing—they are curious and want to learn. Change is a deeply personal and many just need to digest this new world at their own pace, absorb the messages on their own turf. I created Little Changes to be a tool - a kind, inviting, inspiring way to share the message. It’s not that family and friends are anti-health, they just have to find a way to wriggle out of that old skin and into this exciting world. I believe in them and I believe in you.

What's one way you're planning to go greener next?
Once I realized that going through the change (from mainstream to health-focused) was not a to-do list but a lifestyle, I started to look at each line item as an adventure. Lately, my children have been asking the ‘right’ questions, bringing new ideas to mind I haven’t thought of so far.
For example, my daughter is becoming quite the amazing baker. She wants to create her divine treats with organic ingredients. Last week we found ourselves on a quest to find food coloring that was effective but more natural than what I grew up on. Replacing one product, or habit, and moving forward adds up over time to a lot of pride and satisfaction.

Can you share some encouragement for readers just beginning their journey to green living?
I will answer that with one of my favorite Little Change’s quotes: ‘There is something incredibly moving to me about linking arms and coming go the side of another. In togetherness, we find safety and strength. Standing together, we become pioneers’. The most impactful little change we can do is to discuss concerns with a friend. Find a buddy. I love efficiency, quick-paced learning, sharing, giggling, and sometimes becoming sarcastic with frustrations and having a gal pal to go through this with makes all the difference. Not to mention the sharing the discovery of little orange clearance stickers or amazing internet finds through a quick text!

More Kristi Marsh:  Buy Little Changes on Amazon // // Facebook // Twitter // Pinterest // YouTube

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Great Essential Oils for Cats

Essential oils work on our fabulous felines too! Just like dogs, cats respond incredibly well to essential oils. One of the many benefits of all natural essential oils is that they work fast and get into the bloodstream within 20 seconds of being applied. Essential oils do not build up in the systems like drugs do, so the essential oils do need to be reapplied as needed.

Our sweet and loving cats are small and sensitive. When using essential oils, use less than a drop of essential oil at one time. Use a half of drop for pregnant females and kittens. Dilute essential oils with coconut oil. Use citrus, melaleuca and pine essential oils with caution on cats and only when diluted with coconut or olive oil. Avoid these oils on kittens.

When applying essential oils to cats, apply the oils between the toes and on the pad of the foot when doing foot applications. Be sure to avoid getting oils in the eyes. If oils get into the eye, flush with milk as needed.

Important: The author is not a vet. This article is written for entertainment purposes and to offer inspiration for considering alternative treatments. This article is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or physical affliction. Always consult your veterinarian before using essential oils or any home remedies on your pet. Click here to find a holistic vet in your area.

Great Essential Oils for Cats:

Frankincense: Anxiety, Colitis, Inflammation, Infections, Insect/Snake Bites, Scarring, Tumors, Warts
Helichyrsum: Bleeding, Liver Issues, Nerve Damage, Wound Care
Lavender: Abscesses, Anxiety, Allergies, Burns, Conjunctivitis, Inflammation, Tumors, Vertigo, Wound Care
Lemon: Anxiety, Electrolyte Balance, Immune Boost, Infections, Lymph Function, Claw Strength
Melissa (Lemon Balm): Anxiety, Chronic Cough, Depression, Flu, Herpes, Immune Support
Oregano: Bronchitis, Colds, Infections, MRSA, Ringworm, Step, Staph
Peppermint: Asthma, Bronchitis, Diarrhea, Fever, Heatstroke, Inflammation, Muscle Pain, Ulcers

Behavior: Chamomile and lavender oils are great for helping with behavioral issues. The oils can be diluted with fractionated coconut oil or olive oil and applied to the paws or diffused into a diffuser. These oils are also great for stress reduction.

Flea Repellent: In a large spray bottle, put 5 drops of rosemary essential oil and fill the remainder of the bottle with water. Lightly spray the cat, being careful to avoid the eyes. Reapply as needed for flea prevention.

Share this post. Tweet: Do you use any of these great #essentialoils for #cats? via @itsolivialane

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Living My Life Like It's Golden Smoothie Recipe [Vegan, Gluten-Free]

This smoothie is the perfect mid-afternoon snack for those of us with a sweet tooth!

Print Recipe

Living My Life Like It's Golden Smoothie

Course: Beverages
Cuisine: Vegetarian
Serves: 2


  • 1 mango
  • 12 c pineapple
  • 1 banana
  • 12 c orange juice (or 1/2 peeled orange)
  • 12 c water
  • 4-5 ice cubes (optional)
  • 1 T coconut oil
  • 2 T chia seeds.


  1. It's tastiest if you freeze the fruits first but sometimes that just doesn't happen. Whateves. That's why God (or the freezer) made ice cubes.
  2. Blend everything together according to your blender's instructions, share with a friend, and enjoy!

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LMLLIG smoothie is a thick glass of sunshine! It is impossible to be in a bad mood and drink this. (I dare you to try!) 

Maybe it was just the sugar spike, but the first time I drank this I felt overwhelmed with joy. I felt intense gratitude over all the awesome things in my life: my Vitamix (I seriously love that thing), all the healthy food I have access to, Richard's mom who packed a mango for us (I rarely buy them, but they're so good!) and showed us how to properly cut it, and that I am eating more adventurously and healthfully thanks to studying at Institute of Integrative Nutrition.  

Tell me, what are you grateful for today? Leave a comment and let's celebrate together!

(PS Check out the song that inspired the name of this smoothie: Jill Scott - Golden )

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

5 Ways to Green Clean Stainless Steel

Stainless steel appliances are everywhere these days. Unfortunately, so are our fingerprints! Here are five bright ideas for keeping the stainless steel in your home brilliant without using toxic chemicals.

1. Olive Oil 
Blogger Natural Mommie polished her stainless steel fridge with just water and olive oil. First, she wiped the refrigerator down with a wet cloth. Then she poured 1 TBS olive oil on another cloth and used that to buff away watermarks and smudges. (Check out her post to see awesome before and after pics.)

2. Flour
A surprising trick I learned from BrightNest: "To keep a stainless steel sink from losing its luster, sprinkle white flour throughout your dry sink. Rub it lightly with a dry, soft cloth and let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse the flour away and watch your sink shine."(Read more amazing things flour can do: Flour Power: 6 Clever Household Uses for Flour.)

3. Microfiber Cloth
E-Cloth makes a microfiber cloth designed specifically for cleaning stainless steel. You can use it to clean with just a spritz of water and buff dry with a finished cloth. I have this, though truthfully I'm not sure I noticed a significant difference between using the specialized cloth and the general purpose e-cloths. Both seem to work fine.

4. Bon Ami Powder Cleanser
I use Bon Ami to clean all the stainless steel in my home. It's ideal for sinks, pans, and surfaces that can be rinsed. Still, I even used it on the fridge in my old apartment and to clean small rust stains from a client's dishwasher. The problem with using this on appliances is you to must be careful to not use much product, wet wipe many times to remove product, and be sure to buff dry. It can be time consuming, but the results are nice. It's the only thing that worked to remove rust stains for me. (If your supermarket doesn't sell Bon Ami, you can buy a 12 pack on Amazon at a pretty good price.)

5. Better Life's Einshine & what-EVER!
Einshine is a completely natural ("GMO free, cruelty free, made in the USA, fragrance free, sulfate free and petroleum free.")  stainless steel cleaner made by Better Life. I haven't tried Einshine, but if it's anything like the Better Life products I did try it's probably awesome! I still use their what-EVER! all-purpose cleaner to shine up my little toaster.

What do you use to clean stainless steel?

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Interview & Giveaway: BHAVA Vegan, Organic Shoes!

I've partnered with BHAVA studio to host an awesome giveaway: this pair of designer cruelty-free shoes made with recycled and organic materials! You can enter today through August 31st using the widget at the bottom of this post.

First, check out my interview with designer Francisca Pineda, the co-founder of Bhava.

What does Bhava mean?
Bhava is often translated as a feeling, or emotion, in sanskrit, turns out this was a great match for the reaction we get from those who first see our collection.

What inspired you to start a vegan shoe company?
This is very personal. The reasons are too many to mention, but I personally witnessed the disabling effects of the toxic chemicals used in the majority of leather production. In addition, after taking an Ethical Fashion class in FIT I learned the disastrous effects of our decisions as designers and consumers. I made a personal promise to myself to make a change, the thought of profiting from such a destructive system was no longer an option for me. I believe we all have different callings, we are all drawn to our unique causes and experiences.

Can you talk a little bit about the organic and recycled materials you work with?
We are as sustainable with every component of our shoes as possible, from the Japanese 100% recycled breathable ultrasuede outer, to its durability, to our hand woven cotton and reclaimed wood heels.

Bhava is also proud to support organic farming practices by purchasing from suppliers we know care about our environment as much as we do. Our organic cotton lining supplier uses ayurvedic herbs for the natural and sustainable dying process of the fabrics. I love the idea of supporting ancient and time tested medicinal practices through fashion.

I live every aspect of my life as naturally as possible, from organic make-up to and natural oils to everything I eat. It wasn’t until the last few years that I realized how important what we wear and the business practices we support are to our planet and its inhabitants.

What's your favorite way to wear Bhava shoes?
All our shoes are my favorites but I love how versatile the Tyler wedge has turned out to be. They look great casual with shorts or with an organic cotton dress like the one I'm wearing here by Tara St. James.

Okay, now for the giveaway. I hope you'll enter and tell your friends!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Carmen sandal comes in 3 colors: grey, sunset, and teal. Winner picks color and size (whole sizes 6-10).
Connect with Bhava: Website // Facebook // Twitter

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Monday, August 5, 2013

Quinoa Bowl That Tastes Just Like Blueberry Pancakes [Vegan, Gluten-Free]

Have a hankering for pancakes but no time to make them? Maybe you're avoiding gluten and sugar. Either way, try my Bootleg Blueberry Pancakes! Made in a single pot with high protein quinoa and superfood blueberries, this is just as tasty as a stack of blueberry pancakes, but easier to make and way healthier. This recipe makes about 4 servings so you can have "pancakes" for breakfast all week or share with friends. Yum!

Print Recipe

Quinoa Bowl That Tastes Just Like Blueberry Pancakes

Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: Vegetarian
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 15 min
Total Time: 30 min
Serves: 4


  • 1 c quinoa
  • 2 c almond milk
  • 12 t pure almond extract
  • 12 c blueberries (I used wild frozen)
  • 1 banana
  • 4 tsp maple syrup
  • 2 TBS coconut oil
  • cinnamon to taste
  • sea salt. to taste


  1. Rinse the quinoa a lot. It's got natural pesticide coating it. It won't make you sick but it tastes terrible.
  2. Shake out the water.
  3. Add quionoa to a sauce pan.
  4. Toss it around over medium heat for about 1-2 minutes to toast the quinoa and let some of the water evaporate.
  5. Add milk.
  6. Stir in blueberries.
  7. Bring to boil.
  8. Turn heat superlow, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes.
  9. Take off burner for 5 minutes.
  10. Remove lid and fork fluff.
  11. Spoon into bowls.
  12. Slice bananas over it.
  13. Drizzle a little maple syrup and (about 1/2 melted TBS per bowl) coconut oil over it. Seriously, do not be a punk and skip the coconut oil! It's a healthy fat and takes this cereal over the moon.
  14. Add a supershake of cinnamon. The spice makes this taste even sweeter so you don't need as much maple syrup. I also added a dash of sea salt because I love salty sweet.
  15. Enjoy some today and save some for tomorrow, if you can.

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Please let me know if you try this. I think you'll love it! Also, what's your favorite way to enjoy quinoa for breakfast?

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Friday, August 2, 2013

I Love My Granny Cart!

Today, I'm taking a moment to give myself and Richard a high-five. We've survived over one year of living outside NYC without owning a car. While bikes and the occasional ZipCar rental were helpful, I don't think we could've done it without our granny cart.

Me and my granny cart, saving the planet! <3
I got my sturdy shopping cart for $30 at a hardware store on Flatbush Avenue in Park Slope. It's held up pretty well over the 4 years of weekly trips to market. In Brooklyn, with my granny cart, I just came off as practical beyond my years. In Providence, using a shopping cart is the equivalent of truly letting your freaky flag fly. So far Richard and I are the only people I've see in Providence using one. Even the senior citizens here either drive or schlep their groceries home by hand!

I don't care. We live 20 minutes walk away from our grocery store. There is no way in heck I'm hauling more than a a tub of tofu and a bunch of bananas without this thing! My shopping cart simplifies my life by helping me save the planet (and money) and stay in shape by walking home without hurting myself.
Do you have a granny cart? Would you use one? Check out this NY Times article, "There's a Younger Hand On the Granny Cart."

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Thursday, August 1, 2013

3 Ways to Kill Germs on a Sponge

Cleaning with a gross sponge can actually cause more harm than good. In addition to smelling foul, a dirty sponge can spread mold, bacteria, and viruses like Salmonella and E. Coli from one surface to another. Yummers!

According to a 2007 article in Science Daily, some scientist soaked sponges in ground beef and discovered these are the two best methods for inactivating bacteria, yeasts, and molds on sponges:
  • Microwave sponge on high for one minute. This kills 99.99999% of bacteria. I do this and it's the one thing keeping my microwave from being curbed. It also makes me wonder what else the microwave can kill, but that's another blog post.
  • Run through the dishwasher. So long as you use the drying cycle, this kills 99.9998% of bacteria.
The same study concluded that the following techniques are pretty much a waste of time:
  • Soaking for three minutes in a 10% chlorine bleach solution
  • Soaking in lemon juice 
  • Soaking in deionized water for one minute
I promised three ways, didn't I? Here's the third:
  • Leave the sponge out in the sun on a superhot and sunny day and let the UV rays blast those bacteria to kingdom come! This tip comes from Halle at Whole Lifestyle Nutrition. Read her blog post on her experience. I have no scientific evidence or personal anecdote to back this up, but I share it because it seems like a neat idea.
How do you clean your sponges? 

Also, I can't resist: The Sun reports, "Girl Eats 4,000 Bathroom Sponges."

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