Essential oils work on our fabulous felines too! Just like dogs, cats respond incredibly well to essential oils. One of the many benefits of all natural essential oils is that they work fast and get into the bloodstream within 20 seconds of being applied. Essential oils do not build up in the systems like drugs do, so the essential oils do need to be reapplied as needed.
Our sweet and loving cats are small and sensitive. When using essential oils, use less than a drop of essential oil at one time. Use a half of drop for pregnant females and kittens. Dilute essential oils with coconut oil. Use citrus, melaleuca and pine essential oils with caution on cats and only when diluted with coconut or olive oil. Avoid these oils on kittens.
When applying essential oils to cats, apply the oils between the toes and on the pad of the foot when doing foot applications. Be sure to avoid getting oils in the eyes. If oils get into the eye, flush with milk as needed.
Important: The author is not a vet. This article is written for entertainment purposes and to offer inspiration for considering alternative treatments. This article is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or physical affliction. Always consult your veterinarian before using essential oils or any home remedies on your pet. Click here to find a holistic vet in your area.
Great Essential Oils for Cats:
Our sweet and loving cats are small and sensitive. When using essential oils, use less than a drop of essential oil at one time. Use a half of drop for pregnant females and kittens. Dilute essential oils with coconut oil. Use citrus, melaleuca and pine essential oils with caution on cats and only when diluted with coconut or olive oil. Avoid these oils on kittens.
When applying essential oils to cats, apply the oils between the toes and on the pad of the foot when doing foot applications. Be sure to avoid getting oils in the eyes. If oils get into the eye, flush with milk as needed.
Important: The author is not a vet. This article is written for entertainment purposes and to offer inspiration for considering alternative treatments. This article is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or physical affliction. Always consult your veterinarian before using essential oils or any home remedies on your pet. Click here to find a holistic vet in your area.
Great Essential Oils for Cats:
Frankincense: Anxiety, Colitis, Inflammation, Infections, Insect/Snake Bites, Scarring, Tumors, Warts
Helichyrsum: Bleeding, Liver Issues, Nerve Damage, Wound Care
Lavender: Abscesses, Anxiety, Allergies, Burns, Conjunctivitis, Inflammation, Tumors, Vertigo, Wound Care
Lemon: Anxiety, Electrolyte Balance, Immune Boost, Infections, Lymph Function, Claw Strength
Melissa (Lemon Balm): Anxiety, Chronic Cough, Depression, Flu, Herpes, Immune Support
Oregano: Bronchitis, Colds, Infections, MRSA, Ringworm, Step, Staph
Peppermint: Asthma, Bronchitis, Diarrhea, Fever, Heatstroke, Inflammation, Muscle Pain, Ulcers
Behavior: Chamomile and lavender oils are great for helping with behavioral issues. The oils can be diluted with fractionated coconut oil or olive oil and applied to the paws or diffused into a diffuser. These oils are also great for stress reduction.
Flea Repellent: In a large spray bottle, put 5 drops of rosemary essential oil and fill the remainder of the bottle with water. Lightly spray the cat, being careful to avoid the eyes. Reapply as needed for flea prevention.
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I had always heard the opposite and a few oils listed here are on the toxic list here:
You always want to talk with a veterinarian when wondering if any natural ailment is safe for your cat. However there are many classes in my area taught by veterinarians that use doTerra's therapeutic grade essential oils on cats and dogs with great success. My neighbors regularly use these specific oils on their animals. Do be cautious with cats and kittens though as they are very sensitive creatures.
DeleteDo you always use the foot application when using these oils on cats? My cat has hip pain, yes I don't want oil all over the house, so what do you suggest I do? She is take Cosequin for about 2 years. Thanks for your help. I use these oils on myself! Love them!
ReplyDeleteHey BellaK. I'm passing your Q on to Laura. Happy healing to your kitty!
ReplyDeleteOk thank you very much.
Sent from my iPad
Do you have any recommendations for diabetes for cats?
ReplyDeleteLaura says "Hi Bella, You can apply the oils to the hip area. Just start with 1 drop diluted with 1 tsp. carrier oil to make sure the cat responds well. :)"
ReplyDeleteHi Amy, I'll forward this question to Laura. I'm not sure. Diabetes is so serious. You should absolutely follow recommendations from your holistic vet.
ReplyDeleteThat would be great but not sure there is one in Las Vegas
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome. Laura and I are so glad this post is helping so many pets and people.
ReplyDeleteDid you know cats livers do not process the essential oils?
ReplyDeleteCats lack an enzyme called Uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase.
This enzyme is present in EVERY OTHER MAMMAL, which is why there are
so many things toxic to cats that are not to other beings.
Toxicity can occur quickly within minutes to hours, or accumulate in
the body and liver over time via inhalant, dermal or oral exposure.
One drop (licked from spill or on skin or fur) can cause painful mouth
and esophageal burns and death, exposure to essential oils over time
can accumulate toxicity in the liver and cause death. This means
burning in oil burners, sprays in the home, perfumes, bath products,
room diffusers, potpourri, rubbing essential oils on pets, and any
other use of essential oils.