
Monday, December 9, 2013

Meatless Monday: Epic Vegan Breakfast Sandwich, Pumpkin Smoothie & More

I've eaten a lot of good food lately and drooled over even more good food via the Internets. Here's a compilation of a few of the tastiest tasties I've oogled and gobbled today.

Baby eggplant.

Roasted Eggplant
I love eggplant and the simplest and healthiest way to enjoy it is roasted with a little olive oil. (Okay, steamed is healthier, but who really steams eggplant?) My grandma used to always fry it. I followed these instructions from Tori of The Shiska Kitchen. I then covered my eggplant with salt, black pepper, mild Spanish paprika, and lotsa lemon juice. Yummy cold, room temperature, and right outta the oven. It was just as good as fried eggplant.

Raw CraKaCa Salad
I basically followed the recipe for Lacinato Kale Salad with dried cranberries, cashews, apples, and curried dressing from Vegan Miam. I first made this on Thanksgiving. (I even included it in my Thanksgivukkah recipe roundup.) Yesterday I made it again and tweaked it a little. I changed it up by soaking raw cashews in water for a two hours before adding them to the salad. (I find nuts tastier and easier to chew that way.) I also remembered to buy cabbage this time around (such a great crunchy addition) and left out the curry because my guy hates curry. I think I like the flavor better without curry too! This made the most amazing bestover power lunch over quinoa.

Pumpkin Smoothies
Pumpkin makes smoothies seem like milkshakes made at Santa's Workshop cafeteria. Add 1/4 cup of pumpkin (or more) to your next pint-sized smoothie for a creamy delight. It tastes great in green smoothies and fruity ones! I made this Pumpkin Spice Smoothie recipe and another with kale, banana, peanut butter, soy milk, and cinnamon.

Sweet Potato Ginger Soup
When I worked at Angelica Kitchen I'd take home a quart of soup after every shift. I enjoyed lots of soup for breakfast back then. When I made this soup, it tasted like home. I decided to have it for breakfast four days in a row! It's quite nourishing along with toasted seeded bread and tofu scramble with lotsa greens and broccoli. Recipe via YogaJournal.

Epic Vegan Breakfast Sandwich
This is one of the internet things I drooled over today. Candace of The Edgy Veg made a towering sandwich with raisin cinnamon toast with coconut oil, sriracha, tofu scramble, herbed fried potato, avocado, and eggplant bacon. She had me at raisin cinnamon toast. It's got me excited to try a crazy bestover breakfast sandwich soon. Watch her YouTube video to learn how to make it!

What good things have you eaten lately? What internet recipes have you been drooling over?

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  1. Looks great with the quinoa ;) Thank you for the mention and love <3

  2. my pleasure! and the pleasure of my tummy!
