It's mid-Week 5 of the
#BeMOCreative group journey through
The Artist's Way that I'm co-hosting with my friend health coach
Melissa Danielle. The last time I did a check in was
Week 1. Eek! We are long overdue for a check in.
Overall things are going well. Despite the fact that I need something added to my morning ritual like I need a hole in the head, I've managed to do The Morning Pages, a three page free write upon rising, about 5 days each week and learned a little about myself in the process. I also recommitted to taking a break each weekday afternoon to do a
moving meditation followed by a little one song dance party.
I'm just beginning to feel the benefits of these small changes. I'm much more at ease balancing work, study, fun, faith, and doing absolutely nothing. Life feels just a bit lighter. I'm noticing random opportunities for fun and growth popping up in many places. I'm proud to say I'm taking quite a few of them too!
I haven't done all the weekly tasks for any week so far, but I'm okay
with that. Rome wasn't built in a day or even 12 weeks. I'm happy with the progress I'm making. The weekly check-in calls have been a great motivation for me to stay on track.
Keep reading for more highlights of my experience weeks 2 through 4.