I've got three words for you: "Diets don't work!" In fact, the most surefire way to predict if someone is going to gain weight in a year is to see if they're on a diet now.
Lucy is not on a diet. |
Restrictive eating (dieting) causes stress. Stress causes your body to go into survival mode. Survival mode means your metabolism slows and your body stores more of the food you eat as fat.
Read more about Why Diets Don't Work in The Huffington Post.
Unfortunately, the reality is a lot of us are eating chemicalized, processed junk food. This crap is killing us so of course we need to keep it out of our bodies if we wanna stay healthy.
So how does one stop eating crap without dieting? I've got three tips for kicking your diet to the curb while achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and attitude. Trick is you need to do all of these things together. It's a trifecta.
Don't refrain.
Eat as much as you want of whatever you want for as long as you want. You may gain weight. You may feel like crap. You might not. The big thing is it's
impossible to keep eating tons of junk forever. Eventually, knowing that you can eat anything, your mind- which is what makes you eat junk- will stop feeling the need to rebel because really there's nothing to rebel against. You aren't being deprived. There are no rules to rally against. There's no holy standard to judge yourself against. The struggle dissipates and peace enters the picture.
What do you eat when you're at peace with yourself, when you're feeling happy and loved exactly as you are right now? Good food that makes you feel good! Will you ever eat junk food again? Yes, probably some on occasion, but it will come from a place of choice.